Links from BIMStorm AEC Game Changers
Webinar #1 : 6.7.17 Kick Off
1:00 - What is BIMStorm AEC Game Changers?
2:44 - Introduction 5:56 - Knowledge vs. Data 7:48 - San Jose International Airport to be used in the BIMStorm 8:50 - Patrick Crowley - Building Management Administrator, Facilities and Engineering (SJC) 17:20 - Stephen Hagan - Overview of AIA AEC Game Changers, Orlando FL 34:08 - Data, Security, Access, Granularity 40:28 - Michael Chipley - Cybersecurity 53:19 - Discussion and Audience Q&A Topics:
Webinar #2 : 6.30.17
7.11.17 Presentation to Construction Industry Institute - Detroit

7.11.17 Presentation by Kimon Onuma |
The building industry is addicted to billable hours. We need to break this addiction.
Kimon Onuma
Kimon Onuma
Post from RICOH THETA. #theta360 - Spherical Image - RICOH THETA
Post from RICOH THETA. #theta360 - Spherical Image - RICOH THETA
Post from RICOH THETA. #theta360 - Spherical Image - RICOH THETA
Industry thought leaders gathered at the OS2 Construction Industry Institute in Barton Malow's Detroit office.
7.12.17 8am - Introduction to Breaking Bad AECOOO Stovepipes
7.12.17 4pm - Conclusion of Breaking Bad AECOOO Workshops
7.14.17 USC BIM Conference - What's Next?
Kimon Onuma presented how to plug into the mind of owners with BIMStorm AEC Game Changers.
Breaking our addiction to bad practices and stovepipes presentation at the University of Southern California.
Just so happened to be in a science lecture hall with a periodic table on each wall.
Just so happened to be in a science lecture hall with a periodic table on each wall.
8.1.17 BIM for Life - Total Cost of Ownership
Deke Smith, Mark Giuliani and Kimon Onuma.
1:46 - Thanks to our sponsors 2:35 - AECST joins BIMStorm 5:17 - Architects and COBie 5:50 - Standards, complexities and riding a bicycle 7:03 - BIMStorm applies to all facility types 9:21 - Deke Smith - Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) 11:33 - TCO Principles and Use Cases 20:32 - TCO based decisions during design 25:04 - Focus Shift, Information Thread 31:01 - Mark Giuliani - BIMStorm Airport Workshops 37:25 - Using technology to implement best practices 46:17 - California Community Colleges 50:50 - ONUMA System, visibility into data and "what-if" scenarios 55:30 - Join BIMStorm |